Welcome to Crescent Parishes and thank you for visiting our website! Welcome!!
How we are in our faith life is similar to how we are successful in other important areas of life, areas like family, friendship, marriage, job and school. In those essential values what we put into them is a large measure of what we get out of them. It’s the same for spirituality and faith: What we put into faith is what we get out of it.
Here at Crescent Parishes, we know that Faith in Jesus and his Church are critical for an admirable and inspiring life. We are committed to putting a lot into faith…and we get a lot from it. What do we expect parishioners to put into faith?
Attend Mass Weekly.
Share your gifts and talents.
Be active in Lifelong Faith Formation
Let me say a few words about these expectations.
Attend Sunday Mass
We follow Jesus’ dying request and the Father’s commandment to honor the Lord’s Day by attending Mass each week. We all have many reasons to praise and thank our God and to receive Jesus in Word and Sacrament…and we need help being our best self. Mass is all those things, and much more! Of course, attending Mass is one of the most selfless things we can do, since one of our primary reasons for attending is not simply to fulfill an obligation or even to get something out of it, but rather to pray for others. Nobody prays better than Catholics! So many people need the help of our unselfish prayers and presence.
Share your Gifts and Talents
In addition to attending Mass, putting our whole selves into being a part of the Church also means sharing our gifts and talents. What are your gifts and talents and how might you share them with Jesus and his body, the Church? Please find a place you can contribute by looking at our website and weekly bulletin for opportunities to serve in our parishes and wider communities. I guarantee that you will be blessed more than you give!
Be Active in Lifelong Faith Formation
Finally, keep alert to opportunities offered on our website and bulletin for lifelong faith formation, things like a book study, a video series, a small group, a talk or special opportunities for prayer. Catholics are famous for our schools, which educate more people than any other institution in the world. Just as we expect children to grow in faith through attendance at PREP or Catholic school, as adults we must do the same, by participation in lifelong faith formation. For, faith just can’t stay stationary. Faith must be growing or dying. Be assured the Father of Lies wants our faith to die. If we allow it to die, the Devil will make sure we won’t notice. Be assured, good people’s faith can die. We can make sure the opposite is happening if we can point to ways we are trying to grow closer to Jesus in faith. For ways to grow in faith please complete our Stewardship of Time, Talent & Treasure Cards.
Again, thanks for visiting Crescent Parishes Website. I look forward to seeing you at Mass, in service and in some kind of lifelong faith formation experience!
Sincerely and with Love in Christ,
Rev. Patrick L. Sloneker