Lectors/Readers: Proclaim the Word of God by reading Scriptures at the weekday and weekend liturgies. One or two lectors participate at each Mass.
Altar servers: Actively contribute to various significant liturgical functions. Servers carry the cross and processional candles and present the bread, wine, and water during the preparation of the gifts. They provide assistance to both the priest and deacon as required.
The ministry of being an altar server in the Catholic Church is exceptionally unique. Apart from the priests and deacons, no other individuals have the opportunity to engage so intimately in the preparation of the Eucharist.
Eucharistic Ministers (Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion): Assist with the distribution of Communion at Mass. Eucharistic Ministers are available for the sick, shut-ins, those in nursing homes and anyone else who may be unable to attend Mass on a temporary or permanent basis.
Ushers & Greeters: Designated as Ministers of Hospitality, they are entrusted with the important task of fostering a warm and inclusive atmosphere for all who gather for worship. As the initial point of contact during the communal celebration of the Liturgy, they play a vital role in promoting a sense of welcome and belonging.
Greeters: Extend warm greetings to individuals as they enter our Crescent Parishes, distributing bulletins either before/after Mass and fosters a hospitable environment that welcomes everyone with open arms.
Ushers: Provide assistance to individuals in finding seating if required and facilitate the passing of the collection basket during the offertory.
Sacristans: Prepare the altar with the chalice, water, wine, and bread needed for the celebration of Mass, prepare the Book of Gospels, and light candles, etc. At the conclusion of Mass, the Sacristan extinguishes candles, oversees cleaning of vessels, and placement in Sacristy storage areas.
There are many opportunities for people of all ages to share their musical talents within our Crescent Parishes. If interested in joining our choirs please contact our Music Ministers below.
Upcoming Choir Opportunities – Attention current or even prospective choir members, please use the links below to sign up for the following choir opportunities.
Confirmation Choir 3/16/25 (Combined)
TBD Holy Thursday at COR
Easter Vigil Choir 4/19/25 (Combined)
Easter Sunday Choir 4/20/25 (Nativity)
Ron Miller, Director of Worship and Music for Crescent Parishes
Nativity (Julie Spangler, Pastoral Musician), St. John, and St. Saviour
[email protected]
Alice & Steve Barnes
Holy Trinity
[email protected]
*In addition to the choir, Holy Trinity also has a bell choir. If interested in joining please reach out to Alice.
David L. Fowler Sr.
Church of the Resurrection
[email protected]
*If interested in becoming a liturgical dancer at the Church of the Resurrection, please reach out to Stacey Moussaoui via the parish office at 513-242-0400.
Mass Coordinators: Ensure that all is in place and in supply for celebration of Mass.
Offeratory Gift Bearers: Bring forward the bread and wine which will become the Body and Blood of Christ. The bearing of the gifts is a beautiful way for the faithful to play a significant role in the liturgical celebration. In this ministry, family members can serve together.
Livestream Media Ministers - These individuals assist with the livestream operation for our weekend Masses, funerals, weddings, and other special events. They ensure that our worship services reach beyond the walls of our Crescent Parishes, enabling everyone, near and far, to be part of our faith community. Whether you're experienced in live streaming or eager to learn, we invite you to join us!
If interested in the Media Ministry at St. Saviour, please contact leader Bob Jacobs. For more information, please click here.
If interested in the Media Ministry at Church of the Resurrection, please contact Deacon Royce Winters.