Are you in the 7th -12th grade and want to further your faith journey and commit to the Catholic religion? If so, I invite you to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
The Sacrament of Confirmation stands as a pivotal moment in the life of a Catholic Christian. It signifies a personal commitment to faith, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit's gifts, and an affirmation of one's place within the community of believers. By embracing Confirmation, you embark on a journey of deeper spiritual growth and service, empowered by the grace of God and supported by the community of faith.
We welcome all those who are ready to be Confirmed in the Catholic Faith. Classes begin Sunday September 22nd. We will meet every other Sunday from 6:30pm-8pm at St. Saviour Undercroft.
Please reach out to me, Becky Linser, with any questions: [email protected].
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a formation process that takes place in a specially prepared environment called the Atrium. Catechists invite children ages 3 to 9 to come spend time with God in the Atrium.
This Montessori-based process is highly effective with the children. Our work in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd guides children through experiences that help them to reflect on God’s love and care for them. We enjoy getting to know Jesus the Good Shepherd. We enjoy growing in ways that help us to follow Jesus in loving and serving God. Each week, after a brief presentation that includes our faith tradition in various forms of scripture, prayers, songs and/or gestures the children have time to respond with wonder. This takes many forms, not all of them immediately visible! We say that we plant seeds and give them a place to grow. In Atrium we provide hands on materials that invite further reflection. Art materials, puzzles, caring for plants, ourselves and one another, building with blocks, making music, setting a child-sized altar, and learning about the wonders of God’s creation are among the activities children choose during work time.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Level 1, is for children ages 3 to 6. It takes place on Sunday morning 10:45-12:15 and on Thursday mornings, 9:30-11:00 AM. Level 2 is for children in grades 1-3. They attend the Atrium on Thursday afternoons, 4:30-6:00 PM.
For more information on the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd contact coordinator Mary Lennard at 513-532-7006.
To learn more, please watch our video!
Register Here
P.R.E.P. classes are for children in preschool through grade 6 who do not attend a Catholic Elementary school. Classes take place on Sunday mornings at St. Saviour Church 9:30am - 10:20am. This time allows families time to attend Mass together at 8:30am at St. Saviour or 10:30am at St. John.
The first gathering for parents and students is scheduled for Sunday, September 22, 2024 in the St. Saviour undercroft.
Classes are open to all Crescent Families. Participation in these classes is required to receive the Sacraments of Penance, Eucharist, and Confirmation.
There will be a fee to help cover classroom expenses.
For more information contact Laura Davis at the Crescent Office North 513-791-9004 ext. 5007 or [email protected].
*We need volunteer Catechists to help lead classes. If you might be interested and want to know more, please contact Laura.
Breaking Open the Word is a wonderful youth faith formation opportunity available to all 4th-6th grades across our Crescent Parishes. Our meetings are held in Nativity’s Parish Office buiding Thursdays 4:30 to 6:00pm. Classes start the first Thursday in October and continue through mid-May with scheduled breaks for holidays and spring break.
With the assistance of Venture, a weekly publication from Pflaum publishers, the group delves into the study and exploration of the upcoming Sunday Gospel and other scripture passages. Through lively discussions, children engage in meaningful conversations about scripture and prayer. Activities encompass singing, listening to music, dramatizing faith situations, playing games, and solving puzzles—all designed to foster active participation in learning and the nurturing of their faith. The learning guides employed during class sessions will also be sent home with your child, enabling you to carry forward these enriching discussions within your family each week!
If you have questions you can contact Linda Crawford or Bernadette Kludy.
Register Here
Please reach out to our Religious Education Coordinators for more information on religious education and youth faith formation at our Crescent Parishes:
Laura Davis - St. Saviour/St. John - [email protected]
Becky Linser - Nativity - [email protected]
Deacon Royce Winters - Church of the Resurrection - [email protected]